Why choose us?
Currently serving the Greater Vancouver area |

Bill Anderson
"Who could believe I would decide to ride a motorcycle at age 71 (72 as of January 28th, 2006) with zero experience?!! I consider myself so lucky to have found such a competent school."
"Who could believe I would decide to ride a motorcycle at age 71 (72 as of January 28th, 2006) with zero experience?!! I consider myself so lucky to have found such a competent school."

Dominic Dufresne
"Son experience de conduite (plus de 30 ans) avec les motos et son professionalisme m'a tout de suite rassurer! Je voulais quelqu'un de competent et de concencieux pour m'enseigner comment être un bon et surtout securitaire motocycliste. Sans son expertise et ses bons conseils, Je ne me sentirais pas en confiance sur la route. Je recommande "Sunday motorcycle school" a tout ceux qui desire acheter une moto, quelque soit la puissance de la moto. Ça vous sauvera la vie! Et ses prix sont très competitif! Un client satisfait!"
"Son experience de conduite (plus de 30 ans) avec les motos et son professionalisme m'a tout de suite rassurer! Je voulais quelqu'un de competent et de concencieux pour m'enseigner comment être un bon et surtout securitaire motocycliste. Sans son expertise et ses bons conseils, Je ne me sentirais pas en confiance sur la route. Je recommande "Sunday motorcycle school" a tout ceux qui desire acheter une moto, quelque soit la puissance de la moto. Ça vous sauvera la vie! Et ses prix sont très competitif! Un client satisfait!"

Natalie Melnyk
"Somehow Sunday took me from being a bundle of nerves the first time I sat on a bike, to feeling confident a week later as I completed the road test - and passed the first time! Sunday's advice was very helpful during the tests, and even as I ride today I often hear his mantra running through my head: "Eyes up! Don't look down, or that's where you'll go!" Overall, I would highly recommend Sunday Motorcycle School. Sunday takes care of everything, from equipment prep to the scheduling of the tests. All you have to do is show up and learn!
"Somehow Sunday took me from being a bundle of nerves the first time I sat on a bike, to feeling confident a week later as I completed the road test - and passed the first time! Sunday's advice was very helpful during the tests, and even as I ride today I often hear his mantra running through my head: "Eyes up! Don't look down, or that's where you'll go!" Overall, I would highly recommend Sunday Motorcycle School. Sunday takes care of everything, from equipment prep to the scheduling of the tests. All you have to do is show up and learn!

Sunday Motorcycle School has taught me all I needed to know about motorcycles in a short period of time. I've learned from the very basics to what I need to do in emergency situations. I began the first lesson knowing absolutely nothing about motorcycles, and left feeling confident about my riding skills. I definitely recommend this school to anyone wanting to learn how to ride, whether he/she is a beginner, or regular seeking to advance skills. Thanks, SMS
Sunday Motorcycle School has taught me all I needed to know about motorcycles in a short period of time. I've learned from the very basics to what I need to do in emergency situations. I began the first lesson knowing absolutely nothing about motorcycles, and left feeling confident about my riding skills. I definitely recommend this school to anyone wanting to learn how to ride, whether he/she is a beginner, or regular seeking to advance skills. Thanks, SMS

Mark Wyroslak
Thank you again for your support and assistance during the classes as well after and during my road test [ which luckily went just fine], I did enjoy your lectures and the way you teach, and I will refer you to my friends. I wish you all the best with your school and your students.
Thank you again for your support and assistance during the classes as well after and during my road test [ which luckily went just fine], I did enjoy your lectures and the way you teach, and I will refer you to my friends. I wish you all the best with your school and your students.

Birgit Gantner
Seit über 10 Jahren überlege ich, den Motorradführerschein zu machen. Und ich musste nach Kanada kommen, um diesen Traum zu verwirklichen! Nachdem es nur eine Motorradschule gab, die Kurse in Vancouver anbot, habe ich beschlossen, dort mein Training zu absolvieren. Und was für ein Glück, dass ich so Sunday gefunden habe! Er war nicht nur kompetent und effizient, sondern auch sehr sympathisch und lustig. Sunday weiß genau, was ICBC im MST und Road Test sehen möchte, und er übt speziell diese Dinge mit dir und motiviert dich stetig. Ich würde diese Schule jederzeit weiterempfehlen – und sogar weiter Stunden bezahlen, nur um mit Sunday Motorradfahren zu gehen!
Seit über 10 Jahren überlege ich, den Motorradführerschein zu machen. Und ich musste nach Kanada kommen, um diesen Traum zu verwirklichen! Nachdem es nur eine Motorradschule gab, die Kurse in Vancouver anbot, habe ich beschlossen, dort mein Training zu absolvieren. Und was für ein Glück, dass ich so Sunday gefunden habe! Er war nicht nur kompetent und effizient, sondern auch sehr sympathisch und lustig. Sunday weiß genau, was ICBC im MST und Road Test sehen möchte, und er übt speziell diese Dinge mit dir und motiviert dich stetig. Ich würde diese Schule jederzeit weiterempfehlen – und sogar weiter Stunden bezahlen, nur um mit Sunday Motorradfahren zu gehen!

Jamie McDonald
"I got my bike long before l could get my liscence and wanted to get riding as soon as possible. Sunday came through and got me going faster than anyone else was willing to do. He was always very helpful and patient and had all the information I needed. Sunday's instruction made passing the tests a breeze! Riding a motorcycle is the best thing I've done for years! Thanks again."
"I got my bike long before l could get my liscence and wanted to get riding as soon as possible. Sunday came through and got me going faster than anyone else was willing to do. He was always very helpful and patient and had all the information I needed. Sunday's instruction made passing the tests a breeze! Riding a motorcycle is the best thing I've done for years! Thanks again."